It is said that music is a universal language. We have all seen seen little ones bounce to music or bang his hands on a table when he or she hears music !
Let your little one make some music with our brand new little composers box.Carefully picked, and Packed full of instruments to help with your little ones development.
Contents include
Musical nursery rhymes book
Tambourine drum
Bell stick
Shaker egg
Nursery rhymes have been around for hundreds of years but still provide a valuable learning opportunity for you little one.
- They promote and boost childrens language and literacy skills. Also enabling them to learn new words
- Teaches children actions to songs and non verbal communication skills
- Help with early maths
The sound panel features easy-to-press buttons which play musical arrangements of popular nursery rhymes, including Twinkle, twinkle little star, Baa, baa black sheep and Humpty Dumpty.
Giving your little one a instrument to play with
- Builds and strengthens fine and large motor skills
- Supports sensory devolpement- listening to the sounds and learning that banging a drum slowly and softly creates a different sound than banging it quickly and forcefully.
- Enhance hand-eye coordination, sticking the keys in the correct place
- Playing together helps form social skills
Watch as their face lights up when the strike the xylophone keys, its a really lovely way to learn about Cause and effect. Your baby can learn that if they do one action ( in this case hit the key ) they have some effect ( the noise it makes ) not only this it helps with creativity and expressing themselves through music
Castanets are amazing at strengthening finger muscles. Learning to co ordinate two fingers to make them click and encouraging development of the pincer grip that will eventually be used for writing and other fine motor skills such as.
Harmonicas provide a great exercise for the developing muscles in the jaw and mouth. Sucking in is very normal at first but they will soon get the hang of it !
Egg Shakers and bells are among the most loved items in our premium and build a boxes so it was only right that they featured her too ! These are also perfect instruments to have two of if you already have them from a previous box, they are perfectly sized to have one in each hand, or one each helping to build their social skills !
Please note:
Colours and styles may differ from that shown in our photos.
Check all items carefully before each use; any items that show any signs of wear should be thrown away.
Please be aware that all items must be used under adult supervision.
Please do not allow your baby to place bells in their mouth.